The Prophet, upon him be peace, said: “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

Category: Slider

  • Education Promotion

    Education Promotion

    We are focused in ensuring that all children in ASALs get access to proper education regardless of their gender, This is achieved by:-

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  • Peace Building

    Peace Building

    Community Sensitization: The program will involve community sensitization programs that will ensure that the communities are educated on the need for living in peace within themselves and different communities. Community peace mobilization: This will involve mobilization of people living in the area that the organization operates to embrace peace and to be involved directly in…

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  • Health and Nutrition

    Health and Nutrition

    The Health and Nutrition programme seeks to promote the health and nutrition status of vulnerable people in Northern Kenya and especially the women and children. Optimal nutrition ensures proper development of a child’s brain and body cells, enabling them to grow into productive adults who can contribute to the development of their society. The organization…

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  • Educating Girl Child

    How we increased the Girl child enrollment at schools in Northern Kenya.

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  • Women Empowerment and Employment

    Women Empowerment and Employment

    Opening up economic opportunities for women in the rural Northern Kenya.

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  • Educating Slum Children

    Educating Slum Children

    CHEERS Kenya targets to educate several impoverished children from the slums and also from the marginalised Northen Kenya by providing education, technical training, school materials, food and medical care. Challenge With dire poverty in the slums, few people/families can educate and provide the basic needs of their children leading to more than 260,000 children living/working…

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